Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How the Role of Women Has Changed Essays
How the Role of Women Has Changed Essays How the Role of Women Has Changed Essay How the Role of Women Has Changed Essay How much has the function of adult females changed in the last 30 old ages? Since the debut of the pill on the NHS and the equal wage act we have seen monolithic alterations in how adult females are viewed in society. In this essay I will be looking at how these have changed societies positions and how they have affected adult females. I want to research this subject as I believe that there has been great leaps forward in how adult females are able to populate and how this is now impacting the remainder of the universe. I will be analyzing some of the recent alterations in constabularies and attitudes that have taken topographic point that have allowed adult females to go more productive members in the professional working environment. Over the last 30 old ages of feminism we have seen adult females agitating off the stereo typical attitude of females being 2nd category citizens. Womans are now able to travel into higher instruction and therefore leting them demoing great finding. will power. staying power and bravery to use and take on the function of many high powered occupations that were one time merely seen as a occupation for males. And now adult females have greater chances than of all time before. But they are demoing a lower sense away good being this seems to come as rather a daze as adult females have managed to emancipate subject self’s from the traditional position. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dailymail. co. uk ) Womans have neer had so much equity that they have now and we are now seeing female mineworkers. physicians and tooth doctor which shows that they can acquire on any individual occupation that they want. Womans are still able to hold kids some every bit much two or three and a re still pull offing to maintain up a balance of household and work life. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dailymail. co. United Kingdom ) The debut of the pill has had the biggest societal and household impact that has been seen in our clip. When it was foremost introduced the authorities was non happy about supplying it to all adult females as they did non desire to be seen to advance promiscuousness so they chiefly issued it to older adult females who already had kids and did non desire to hold any more. But in a controversial move in 1974 saw household planning clinics give the pill out to individual adult females which made it a batch easer for subject to make up ones mind if they wanted to hold kids. It is now estimated that two million adult females in England and Wales take the pill and 70 % of all adult females have at some phase been prescribed the pill. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bbc. co. United Kingdom ) This was radical for adult females at the clip now they have a greater freedom than of all time before. Womans could now make up ones mind when they got pregnant which means they could travel on t o higher instruction and go a calling adult female non merely a female parent and house married woman. The debut of the Equal Pay Act 1970. now the Equity Act 2010. was supposed to shut the spread on the sum that work forces got paid compared to adult females for making the same occupation. But recent statistics show that work forces still earn more in 370 out of 426 occupation categorization than adult females who earn more in merely 53 occupation categorizations. Ruth Sealy. Deputy manager of the International Centre for Women Leaders at Cranford University said it’s shocking how can this be when we have equality Torahs? ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. defender. co. United Kingdom ) The authorities has made a determination to alter one of it’s constabularies in the Equality Act that would hold made companies unwrap the per centum of wage differences between work forces and adult females by 2013. Sealy believes that this policy is responsible for the 2 % diminution in the wage spread between work forces and adult females in 2011 and now it is non in topographic point the wage spread may get down to increase once more. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. defender. co. United Kingdom ) Although this dose sound like the Equality Act is non working as it was intended to there is visible radiation at the terminal of tunnel. Lord Davies independent reappraisal into adult female on boards has given Britain’s 100 biggest companies until 2015 to increase the sum of adult females who sit on boards from 12. 5 % to 25 % . There has already been a pronounced betterment since the study has been published the figures have went up by 2. 5 % to 15 % Lord Davies said this is astonishing progress . ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. telegraph. co. United Kingdom ) Family life has changed over the last 30 old ages we are now seeing more adult females traveling into work which means that there are now two incomes coming into the household place and people are now populating better that they one time did. Womans are now populating like work forces one time did they are traveling out to work run intoing new people and basking a societal life off from the hubby. And it seems that work forces are remaining at place and pass more clip with the kids. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. defender. co. United Kingdom ) A recent survey carried out by the Equal Opportunities Commission found that 69 % agreed that there life’s are going more similar in rearguards to how much clip they can pass between work and household life. Now adult females are passing more clip at work it means that they have to hotfoot place to see the kids before bed clip or to care for a comparative. Due to this alteration people are going more disquieted about household life how is it traveling to turn out if this sexual reappraisal is traveling to go on we will necessitate to get down looking at the policy that are in topographic point for the aged and disabled so we can give them more of a say on how they want to populate if the handiness of household attention is traveling to cut down. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. defender. co. United Kingdom ) Womans have moved dramatically frontward in the last 30 old ages at that place have been so many alterations in the attitudes of society that have enabled adult females to experience more sceptered about the picks that they can do in their ain life. The attitude that people have towards adult females is far from the typical attitude that people had in respects what function adult females should take on as they are no longer expected to be the house married woman or the Dendranthema grandifloruom. Womans are now going professionals and are now sitting on the boards of some of the most powerful companies in the universe. This is all great but how is this impacting the manner in which parents bring up households if work forces and adult females are now populating similar life’s how will be able to convey up our household and give the parental support to the kids if both the parents are out seeking to advance there callings. If this is traveling to go on people will necessitate to get down believing about the hereafter of household life. We will hold to happen a manner in which family’s will be able to work at a normal degree and still be able to back up adult females to transport on and come on even further. Is it traveling to be a instance some fifty old ages down the line that the gender reappraisal has went so far that the functions of work forces and adult females will hold wholly turned around. Our will the gender reappraisal reach a point where both sexes are able to work and supply a healthy household life. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bbc. co. uk/news/uk-15984258 ( Date accessed 20/03/2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dailymail. co. uk/femail/article-1189894/Women-happy-years-ago- . hypertext markup language ( Date accessed 25/03/2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-1189856/M-S-boss-Stuart-Rose-Glass-ceiling-Women-good-workplace. hypertext markup language ( Date accessed 02/04/2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. defender. co. uk/uk/2011/mar/08/four-decades-on-equal-pay-yet-to-come ( Date accessed 03/04/2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. defender. co. uk/society/2005/nov/23/equality. socialcare ( Date accessed 04/04/2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. telegraph. co. uk/finance/jobs/9090327/Lord-Davies-shakes-up-Britains-boardrooms. hypertext markup language ( Date accessed 06/04/2012 ) Richard D. Gross ( 1994 ) . Cardinal Studies in Psychology. 2nd erectile dysfunction. London: Hodder And Stoughton. 100.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Scout Quotes From To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Scout Quotes From 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee The young Scout Finch, from To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is one of American literatures most iconic and unforgettable fictional characters. The book deals with issues of racial injustice and gender roles in the American South. The book was largely based on Lees own childhood, growing up in Monroeville, Alabama, during the Great Depression. Published at the start of the civil rights movement, the book called for tolerance and condemned the treatment of African-Americans in the South. Through its tomboy narrator, the author discusses the frustrations of living within strict female gender roles. On Being a Girl â€Å"[Calpurnia] seemed glad to see me when I appeared in the kitchen, and by watching her I began to think there was some skill involved in being a girl.†â€Å"[Aunt Alexandra said that] I was born good but had grown progressively worse every year.†â€Å"I was not so sure, but Jem told me I was being a girl, that girls always imagined things, that’s why other people hated them so, and if I started behaving like one I could just go off and find some to play with.†â€Å"I felt the starched walls of a pink cotton penitentiary closing in on me, and for the second time in my life, I thought of running away. Immediately.†On Boo Radley Then I saw the shadow. It was the shadow of a man with a hat on. At first, I thought it was a tree, but there was no wind blowing, and tree trunks never walked. The back porch was bathed in moonlight, and the shadow, crisp, and toast moved across the porch towards Jem. (They think the shadow is Boo Radley, whom theyve been taught to fear.) On Jem The sixth grade seemed to please him from the beginning: he went through a brief Egyptian Period that baffled me- he tried to walk flat a great deal, sticking one arm in front of him and one in back of him, putting one foot behind the other. He declared Egyptians walked that way; I said if they did I didnt see how they got anything done, but Jem said they accomplished more than the Americans ever did, they invented toilet paper and perpetual embalming, and asked where would we be today if they hadnt? Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and Id have the facts. To Jack â€Å"Pass the damn ham, please.†(said during Scouts attempt to try and get out of going to school) On Fighting â€Å"Atticus had promised me he would wear me out if he ever heard of me fighting anymore; I was far too old and too big for such childish things, and the sooner I learned to hold in, the better off everybody would be.†â€Å"After my bout with Cecil Jacobs when I committed myself to a policy of cowardice, word got around that Scout Finch wouldn’t fight anymore, her daddy wouldn’t let her. This was not entirely correct: I wouldn’t fight publicly for Atticus, but the family was private ground. I would fight anyone from a third cousin upwards tooth and nail. Francis Hancock, for example, knew that.†​ On White Lies â€Å"I said I would like it very much, which was a lie, but one must lie under certain circumstances and at all times when one can’t do anything about them.†(on Aunt Alexandra moving in) On Dill â€Å"With him, life was routine; without him, life was unbearable.†On People I think theres just one kind of folks. Folks.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case study on driving Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Case study on driving - Research Paper Example 12). The research design addressed the research inquiries and depicted its approach with level-headedness in that John erecting the sign might definitely be a criminal offense since he has not done any research on the topic, and at the same time, the action may be a risk to other drivers (World Touring and Automobile Organization, 1953 p.25). John should also get permission from the necessary authorities to erect or not erect because there are rules that govern erecting signs. The apposite methodological literature includes relevant legislation, cases, as well as journal articles (Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales, 2006 p. 24). The research context offered justification of the research setting with background data, which included the fact that many accidents have taken place within the vicinity of schools because of the erection of so many signs, insufficient space amid signs, as well as no provision of a lucid view for other road users (Hands, 2002 p14). All these ac tions have led to the impeding of other signs, which does not give the road user enough time to make necessary decisions, as well as securely implement any required maneuver (Organisation de coope?ration et de de?veloppement e?conomiques, 2004 p. 13). The research sample utilized was purposive sampling to select the target populace because the researcher was only interested in individuals who were concerned if John would put up the sign or not. Five road users, two teachers and administrator from the school, as well as two heads of the traffic control department (Macken, 2011 p.67). The sample size was arrived at by utilizing a formula usually used to work out the model size needed for the study. The populace was utilized to compare and contrast their views and observations of the traffic situation around the school to find out if there are dangers that exist already or any that will exist when the sign is put up (Standards South Africa, 2004 p.37). The data sources included intervi ews and secondary data from relevant legislation, cases, as well as journal articles. Interviews were utilized to collect first hand data from individuals who were to be concerned if John had put up the sign or not. Data was collected after getting relevant permission from the authorities, at the school, roadway, as well as the traffic signs department (European Conference of Ministers of Transport, 2000 p.14). After the data was collected, it was examined, edited, coded, as well as analyzed. Relevant software such as MS Word and MS Excel were employed to sort through data gathered via interviews to make out patterns, as well as establish relationships. Validity was ensured by instituting a coherent connection amid the study objectives and interview questions. The researcher will guarantee obscurity by respondents, as well as all data will be treated with discretion and will just be utilized for meeting the purpose of the study (Automobile Association, 2009 p.87). Advice addressing John’s Concerns In regard to the concern of John erecting the sign warning drivers of the dangers of parking so close to the school gates might constitute a criminal offence, John should do extensive research and find out what makes up criminal offence and what does not, from relevant legislation, cases, as well as journal articles (Aa Publishing, 2010 p.189). For example, State law needs the traffic control department to take on standardized principles for traffic control tools, counting signs, along public roadways. WAC 468-95 takes on the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The interrelation between thought and language has been a central and Essay
The interrelation between thought and language has been a central and enduring issue in philosophy and psychology. Of particular interest has been the possibil - Essay Example However, there are studies such as the classical and operant conditioning which somehow proved that even animals has the ability to learn. These studies opened the possibilities that thought exists even without language. Darwin (1920), the person behind the theory of evolution, suggests that human mind and that of animals are different on certain degree and not of kind. This statement implies that animals may also have the capability to think but not in the way and degree that human does. Theories and studies on different animals in search for the cognitive ability of animals provide evidence or somehow support this statement of Darwin. In earlier theories, the famous classical conditioning is one of the evidences of animal cognition. It was proposed by Ivan Pavlov; with the theory about the relationship between stimuli and responses using a dog, Pavlov discovered that animals could learn to display certain responses to stimuli already eliciting those responses (Tiffany, 1999 p.216). The operant conditioning started with different experiments, especially that of B.F. Skinner. Skinner developed the operant conditioning using rats and pigeons. In his rat experiment, he put a rat in the cage called Skinner Box that had a button on a wall which when pressed released a food pellet. When the rat accidentally pressed the button, food pellet came out which caused the rat to pressed the button more. When the button can not anymore give the rat some pellets, the rat stopped pressing the button. Through this theory, it was discovered that animals have the ability to learn through reinforcement or reward. However, even if Skinner used nonhuman animals with his experiment, he was still one of those who favor the total dependence of thought on language along with other behaviorists such as Watson, Ryle, Rosenberg, Wittgenstein and others (Chrucky, 1990). The operant theory is used today in human psychology
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Interaction Between Europeans and Native Americans Essay Example for Free
The Interaction Between Europeans and Native Americans Essay The colonization of America by Europeans resulted in the demand for a sea route to India, which was the source of silk and spices, products that had a high commercial value in the Old Continent. While sailing westward, Europeans intersected with the first habitants of New World, the Native Americans. Between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, Native Americans saw their populations devastated by the loss of their land and animals, from diseases and war. The first Native American group encountered by Christopher Columbus was enslaved. Europeans also brought with them diseases to which Native Americans had no immunity. The fusion of Native Americans and Europeans during the years of settlement was also marked by the differences between their concepts of religion, gender relation, land possession, and freedom. Religion and beliefs of Native Americans were based on nature. They organized religious ceremonies around hunting and farming. Spiritual power was an important concept among this group of people. For Indians, everything was merely connected by a spiritual power such as the wind, water, animals and trees. In addition, they used to elaborate religious ceremonies which helped to define the leaders of the tribe. Native Americans definitely had an extremely strong spiritual belief. Contrasting to Indians, Europeans were skeptics about this intense spiritual religion. Although settlers admired the strong beliefs of Indians upon nature, they concluded that Indians had to be converted to the true religion, the Christian. Moreover, settlers used to follow a hierarchy system with God above everyone.. For settlers, religion meant to leave the life of sin to embrace the teaching of Christ. In most of the Indian communities, the gender connections were also not similar to the Europeans. The family decided how the women’s lives would be by creating a premarital sexual relation with their husbands. Divorce was also acceptable. Nevertheless, the children always became a member of the mother’s family. Moreover, Indians men could have only one wife and they could never marry their close relatives. In contrast, under the European rules of marriage, there wasn’t a pre decided marriage like in Native American’s life. The power was mostly centered in the hands of the men who were also the property controllers. Women were not considered independent. Indians had a respectful vision of land. Families were allowed to use the land, which didn’t mean that this family would actually own the land. They were aware that land is essential to economic benefit. On the other hand, for Europeans land was not just a place to extract natural resources, but also recompense, perhaps a symbol of the ambition of the voyage overseas. The land was divided according to the hierarchy structure Freedom seemed to be naturally a part of Indian life. Native Americans weren’t interested in living their lives under a government of rules; everyone was treated the same way. They had their own concept of freedom. Perhaps Native Americans concepts of freedom were based on the right of hunting, farming and making ceremonies. Unlike Indians, settlers lived under some rules established by a government. However, Europeans’ based their freedom according to the hierarchy system, liberty came from knowing one’s social place and accomplishing the duties appropriate to one’s rank. Their concepts of freedom meant an enjoyment of different rights and privileges available to a minority. Freedom meant formal, specific privileges such as exemption from taxation, self-government, the right to trade, royal decree or purchase. In conclusion, the intersection between Native Americans and Europeans during the years of settlement was a unique moment in the history of human being remarkable by the unawareness of cultures between two groups of people from distinguished continents. Settlers left their continent in order to enhance their power by exploring new lands. Their destination wasn’t exactly where they were looking for. However, they found a New World habituated by wild people that had uncommon customs. A revolutionary moment in human’s history was getting started.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Convention Of Society :: essays research papers
A Convention of society Everything we do is to please someone else. And that someone else can be all of society. Society is based on conventions. Most of society conforms to them, otherwise they may appear to be â€Å"outside†of the society that they live in, they may also appear to be eccentric or dangerous to the â€Å"norm†of their society. These conventions are general agreements on social behaviour; they have a strong force within society. This is stated by Frye in his speech â€Å"The educated imagination†he expresses that, â€Å"There’s clearly a strong force making toward conformity in society, so strong that it seems to have something to do with the stability of society itself.†(35) We conform to please others this is what creates â€Å"stability†within society. However if people don’t conform to the â€Å"norm†they are often cast out of it, unless they conform to different socially acceptable conventions, such as becoming a nun. Make-up is one of the strongest conventions of this society. The western world view, as a whole society has the convention that beauty is young looking, â€Å"enhanced†features on a person, therefore without it you must try to achieve it, this is done mostly by wearing make-up. This society believes that the skin must be smooth looking and the eyes must be framed in order to stand out. Man y people have conformed to this, and to state that there are degrees of conformity may or may not be fair. One can not partially conform. Many things are not black and white but conformity may not be, it does not have a grey area. You conform like the others or you don’t. There may not be a grey area but there may be a fence, when you’re not sure what you think or feel. There is a transition stage when people have to explore both sides of the convention, yet not everyone enters this stage. According to the statement saying that people do everything to please everyone else; to wear make-up is to give a visually positive look to yourself so others will be pleased with your appearance. By doing this one is more likely to attract the opposite sex. This is true especially with women in this society.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lamb to the slaughter CEL
Lamb to the slaughter a short story by Roald Dahl. Is about a woman so upset with her husband she kills him and how she keeps it a secret that she did it from the detectives. I will focus on the character Mary Maloney and how her character changes as the story progresses. At first Mary Maloney comes across as a loving house wife waiting for her husband to come home ‘now and again she would glance up at the clock but without anxiety, merely to please herself. ’ At first she acts nicely to her husband. She makes him drinks and asks if he is hungry.The key thing that changes her personality is her husband sits down and speaks to her we can only assume he was leaving her but to our astonishment she takes it in her stride and goes to get the leg of lamb but you can tell something is wrong when she walked across the room she couldn’t feel her feet touch the floor. It was a shock to the reader when she wacked her husband on the back of the head with the leg of lamb it wa s unexpected as she seemed so nice ‘At that point Mary Maloney walked up behind him and without any pause she swung the leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of her head.’This makes her act a lot different from the start she is no longer a loving wife she is more she is more a cold hearted killer. Sam (the shop keeper) dose not suspect a thing he just thinks she’s getting some vegetables for her supper ‘I would like some potatoes please Sam, yes, and I think a can of peas. ’ The detectives thin it wasn’t her because she had an alibi that she was at Sam’s shop at the time of death.The detectives view her as a grieving house wife widow and do her favours like drink and eat the leg of lamb but they don’t know she killed Patrick with the leg of lamb that they were eating the fact she feeds the men the leg that she killed her husband with is disturbing My impression of Mary towards the end is that she has the making of a psycho and is capable of much more I am not on her side as she killed her husband and no matter what he said you just cant go round killing people.Mary by the end is manipulating everyone and its hard to see the ‘soft’ side of her that you see at the start I don’t know if fooling the detectives was the right thing to do because she has to live with the fact she has killed someone for the rest of her life but you know why she didn’t and you understand its for her unborn child and she doesn’t know what will happen to him/her ‘what was the laws about murder with unborn children or did they wait till the tenth month? What did they do?’Mary has changed her whole personality during the story she starts off nice and then she because becomes deserving The overall message of this is don’t judge a book by its cover what looks nice on the outside can be dark and evil on the inside. He imparts this perfectly thr ew Mary because she was all nice at the beginning kills her husband covers it up and doesn’t get caught. I believe on the whole Mary was a victim as she has to live with the face she killed someone for the rest of her life. ï » ¿Lamb to The Slaughter CEL Lamb to the slaughter a short story by Roald Dahl. Is about a woman so upset with her husband she kills him and how she keeps it a secret that she did it from the detectives. I will focus on the character Mary Maloney and how her character changes as the story progresses. At first Mary Maloney comes across as a loving house wife waiting for her husband to come home ‘now and again she would glance up at the clock but without anxiety, merely to please herself. ’ At first she acts nicely to her husband. She makes him drinks and asks if he is hungry.The key thing that changes her personality is her husband sits down and speaks to her we can only assume he was leaving her but to our astonishment she takes it in her stride and goes to get the leg of lamb but you can tell something is wrong when she walked across the room she couldn’t feel her feet touch the floor. It was a shock to the reader when she wacked her husband on the back of the head with the leg of lamb it wa s unexpected as she seemed so nice ‘At that point Mary Maloney walked up behind him and without any pause she swung the leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of her head.’ This makes her act a lot different from the start she is no longer a loving wife she is more she is more a cold hearted killer. Sam (the shop keeper) dose not suspect a thing he just thinks she’s getting some vegetables for her supper ‘I would like some potatoes please Sam, yes, and I think a can of peas. ’ The detectives thin it wasn’t her because she had an alibi that she was at Sam’s shop at the time of death.The detectives view her as a grieving house wife widow and do her favours like drink and eat the leg of lamb but they don’t know she killed Patrick with the leg of lamb that they were eating the fact she feeds the men the leg that she killed her husband with is disturbing My impression of Mary towards the end i s that she has the making of a psycho and is capable of much more I am not on her side as she killed her husband and no matter what he said you just cant go round killing people.Mary by the end is manipulating everyone and its hard to see the ‘soft’ side of her that you see at the start I don’t know if fooling the detectives was the right thing to do because she has to live with the fact she has killed someone for the rest of her life but you know why she didn’t and you understand its for her unborn child and she doesn’t know what will happen to him/her ‘what was the laws about murder with unborn children or did they wait till the tenth month? What did they do?’Mary has changed her whole personality during the story she starts off nice and then she because becomes deserving The overall message of this is don’t judge a book by its cover what looks nice on the outside can be dark and evil on the inside. He imparts this perfectly th rew Mary because she was all nice at the beginning kills her husband covers it up and doesn’t get caught. I believe on the whole Mary was a victim as she has to live with the face she killed someone for the rest of her life.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Coles Marketing Plan Essay
Cole is an Australian supermarket with large influence and market share in the country. In addition, the company contributes significantly to the nation’s economy. In essence, the company has acquired more than 30% of the market share of the supermarket industry in this nation. Specifically, the company’sproduct line consists of daily products, grocery, meat, deli, fresh produce, bake house, cigarettes, liquor, apparel, general merchandize and over head products. Notably Cole has a culture of low price as its marketing strategy of attracting and retaining customers. Fresh produce are the chief of Cole’s product line. The chain of supermarket is among the leading retailers operating more than 720 stores in Australia (Morales, 2013). The company harbors more than 90, 000 employees with a customer base of approximately 4.5 million people. Woolworths is the main competitor of Cole with 40% stake in the Industry. Others include Aldi, Speciality Foods, and Franklins. Coles together with its leading competitor have a market competitor of sale price and large customer base (Pearson and Hendricks, 2011). The company endeavors for high quality in its products, services and delivery (Szakiel and Beare, 2009).[PPD_PAYTOREADMORE] The present market strategy of Cole is geared towards the liquor, food and fuel consumers (Morales, 2013). In addition, it emphasizes on providing a diversity of products on its target markets with customers of different income. Further, Cole’s consumers are derived from all over the world (Romaniuk and Thiel, 2012). With regard to promotion, the company employs different media such as the radio, newspapers, the internet and TV in the promotion and advertisement of its products. Public relations are also another strategy in promoting the company. MARKETING OBJECTIVES The situation analysis identified some of the objectives for Cole Supermarket . Among them is increasing revenue, increasing the customer base, building customer royalty and increasing the competitive advantage. Increasing sales and revenue Just as it is for much business, increasing sales is also the core of Cole’s business objective (Simon, 2013). The objectives of this company is to increase its sales to more than $150, 000 in the first year of its establishment, the management anticipates that the second year sales will increase by 50% and the third year by 40%. By the second year of its operation, the company would have expanded to include more stores and supermarkets in various parts of the world. Coles aspires to sell as many products as possible and generate high returns. Despite this, the company faces stiff competition from mass merchandisers and restaurants in some of its products. This point to the reason why the company has relied on fresh produce, and which are which are convenient to the customers. In addition, the company has also diversified its products to include many varieties with different prices to suit customers with different economic capabilities. Cole’s Strategy has been emphasized on clients who wish to do a one stop shopping. Increasing Customer Base and Traffic Most business organizations especially start ups and small ones workvery hard to acquire a customer base (Lusch 2007). In order to achieve a customer rate in their stores, Cole’s stores are located in areas that have high traffic such as big cities and towns. You will rarely find a Cole Supermarket in a rural environment. Some of Cole’s stores are also located in near apartments, residential and business districts. Cole is also much interested in building customer loyalty in its businesses. This is the reason why it has established royalty programs in order to retain and make customers royal. These royal programs are designed in such a way that the clients are rewarded according to how they purchase products. Improving its Ratings and competitive advantage Cole endeavors to do research with regard to its various products fresh produce, meat, daily products, grocery, deli, bake house, cigarettes, liquor,apparel, general merchandize and over head products and customer service.The reason for these phenomena is to ensure that the products and services offered are of top quality and which customers will find unique. Improving the products and services will certainly increase the company’s rating and competitive advantage in this industry(Argenti 2008). TARGET MARKET and Position The company has particularly focused on the segmented population who requires their products under one roof or in other words, one stop shopping. Cole will be much like a haven for shoppers of all economic levels and busy types who wish to tend to look for products that are unique and special. This is because; the services are faster but yet satisfying. Such people will find the high quality goods and services to their expectations. Moreover, the clients will as well appreciate the faster service and fun experience at the company’s premises , whether they are celebrating special events or simply want to enjoy the special products at low prices. Cole expects to establish more and bigger stores and supermarkets in order to improve its competitive edge among its leading competitors such asWoolworths. According to the situation analysis, the â€Å"down down†price strategy appears to stay since for many years, it has acted as its competitive edge. Hence, the low price strategy will assist the company in competing for the customers ( Mckeown, 2012). Further, the increase in its floor space for its stores and supermarkets by 2% every year is to provide more space for its groceries and fresh produce including more products such brand mix and apparel. The company anticipates adding more than 20 stores in various parts of the world in this year alone. This owes to the increased customers and expansion programs. This is also a way of establishing a platform for the steady growth and expansion for the coming years. In essence, Cole wants to penetrate into its competitor’s market share including its main rival, the Woolworths. COLES APPROACH TO THE MARKETING MIX The marketing strategy for Cole Chain of Supermarket is the creation of awareness on potential customers by use f mouth and media advertisements such as magazines radio, internet and newspapers. With regard to media, the company employs the most popular ones both in print and electronic to present their advertisements and promotions. In this way, they are able to create what is known as distinctive experience in superior products. Other means for reaching out these clients include promotions, and fliers. The strategic location of the company’s premises would be typically considered as an important function for the purpose of marketing and promotion (Allison and Kaye, 2005). The premises are established in high traffic retail areas of business districts and towns. The central business districts, residential areas and towns in this perspective offer attractive incentives for investors and other business that are in operation. Moreover, the businesses are strategically positioned and easily accessible by the public and customers, there is also an advantage of the public which comes from being located in the central business center. Cole supermarket focuses on the basically educated and progressive clients fascinated in tying out new experiences and products and those who are not satisfied with the existing products or a service that are offered in other stores and outlets. ROLE OF THE MARKET PLAN One of the main contributions of the marketing plan is defining an organization’s mission and objectives. Likewise, this marketing plan will assist Cole’s Chain of supermarkets in achieving its objectives and in defining its long-term mission (Baker, 2008). This marketing plan will assist Cole in achieving substantial if not tremendous revenue just within the few years of its operation. It will also assist in more investment in the company and expansion to more stores by the subsequent years. In addition, it is anticipated that the marketing plan will assist the company in establishing a special relation with each worker (Tracy 2000). In this way, the workers a will be made responsible for their stores and be rewarded for the profits generated. Evaluating all indicators of each variable or environment that makes up the PESTEL analysis, it is possible to express the diagnosis of the external environment in which this business will be inserted. Thus it was found that, in general, the external environment is in favor of development of the Cole Supermarket
Thursday, November 7, 2019
cholesterol essays
cholesterol essays For years, cholesterol has been a major concern for millions of people around the world. This fear of cholesterol has led to many consultations with specialists like physicians and nutritionists. It seems that there is a great misconception about this molecule. A majority of the population is conscious of the harm that it can cause, but they are not aware that it has pertinent values to our body. There are two major forms that cholesterol comes in: 1) low density lipoprotein, which is generally considered "bad" cholesterol and 2) high density lipoprotein, which is known as "good" cholesterol. Although given these names, there is nothing inherently good or bad about them. This research will clarify a lot of the misconceptions that are associated with cholesterol and the overall effect that cholesterol has on the human body. Cholesterol is a soft, fat like substance made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, that is found in all the body's cells and is used to form cell membranes, manufacture hormones and other necessary substances. It is an organic compound belonging to the sterol family that also encompasses steroids. Cholesterol is produced two ways. The first is by the liver. "The liver produces about 50,000,000,000,000,000 cholesterol molecules a second" (Body Mechanics 1), or about 1,000 mg of cholesterol a day. The second is by the intake of the foods eaten like animal fats (saturated and polysaturated fats) such as cheese, lard, egg yolks, red or marbled meat, pork, processed meat, gravies, palm or coconut oil, deep fried foods, whole milk, butter, etc.. This second process is accountable for another 400 mg - 500 mg of cholesterol a day. Once eaten, the cholesterol in the food goes into the intestines to await digestion. "Chylomicrons (fatty particles containing mainly triglycerides, but also cholesterol, phospholipids and protein) are produced in the intestinal wall" (Arthersclerosis 3). Once the chylomicrons enter the b...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Physicist Albert Einstein
Biography of Physicist Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and one of the geniuses of 20th Century physics. His work has helped along our understanding of the universe. He was born and lived much of his life in Germany, before emigrating to the United States in 1933. Growing a Genius When he was five years old, Einsteins father showed him a pocket compass. Young Einstein realized that something in empty space affected the needle. He said the experience was one of the most revelatory of his life. About a year later, Alberts education began. Although he was clever and built models and mechanical devices for fun, he was also considered a slow learner. Its possible he was dyslexic, or he may have simply been shy. He was good at mathematics, especially calculus. In 1894, the Einsteins moved to Italy, but Albert stayed in Munich. The following year, he failed an exam which determined whether he could study for a diploma in electrical engineering in Zurich. In 1896, he renounced his German citizenship, not becoming a citizen of any other country until 1901. Also in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich and trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. He received his degree in 1900. Einstein worked from 1902 to 1909 as a technical expert at the patent office. During that time, he and Mileva Maric, a mathematician, had a daughter Lieserl, born in January 1902. (What eventually happened to Lieserl is not know. Its possible she died in infancy or was put up for adoption.) The couple wasnt married until 1903. On May 14, 1904, the couples first son, Hans Albert Einstein was born. During this part of his life, Einstein began writing about theoretical physics. He also earned a doctorate from the University of Zurich in 1905 for a thesis called On a new determination of molecular dimensions. Developing a Theory of Relativity The first of Albert Einsteins three 1905 papers looked at a phenomenon discovered by Max Planck. Plancks discovery indicating that electromagnetic energy seemed to be emitted from radiating objects in discrete quantities. This energy was directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. Einsteins paper used Plancks quantum hypothesis for a description of the electromagnetic radiation of light. Einsteins second 1905 paper laid the groundwork for what would eventually become the special theory of relativity. Using a reinterpretation of the classical principle of relativity, which said that the laws of physics had to have the same form in any frame of reference, Einstein proposed that the speed of light remained constant in all frames of reference, as required by Maxwells theory. Later that year, as an extension of his theory of relativity, Einstein showed how mass and energy were equivalent.  Einstein held several jobs from 1905 to 1911, while still developing his theories. In 1912, he began a new phase of research, with the help of mathematician Marcel Grossmann. He called his new work the general relativity theory, which he was able to publish in 1915. It deals with the specifics of space-time theory as well as something called the cosmological constant. In 1914 Einstein became a German citizen and was appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and Professor at the University of Berlin. The Einsteins divorced on February 14, 1919. Albert then married his cousin Elsa Loewenthal. He received the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect. Fleeing World War II Einstein renounced his citizenship for political reasons and emigrated to the United States in 1935. He became Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton University, and a United States citizen in 1940, while retaining his Swiss citizenship. Albert Einstein retired in 1945. In 1952, the Israeli government offered him the post of second president, which he refused. On March 30, 1953, he released a revised unified field theory. Einstein died on April 18, 1955. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered at an undisclosed place. Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 24
Economics - Essay Example This capital expenditure takes time which cannot be completed in the short-run. Similarly, no existing firm can leave the industry in the short-run. The reason behind this is that whenever a firm sets up in any industry it has to incur some sunk costs. In lay man terms, sunk costs are actually setup costs. These costs are barriers that do not let the firms leave the industry in the short-run as no firm wants to leave the industry without minimizing or cashing in on some of their sunk costs. As we have already discussed, that no firm can be lured into or pushed-out of the industry in the short-run. The reasons that may tempt the other businesses entering into industry are off course profits, as discussed above. There are two types of profit that firm makes in the short run based on its costs and revenue. A firm may be making large profits or break-even in this time-scale. In economic terms break-even is known as normal profit because the calculation includes implicit or opportunity co sts, which are not actual cost and hence a firm which is breaking even is making a profit in accounting terms. Normal Profits are usually denoted by AR=AC. Similarly, apart from normal profit a firm might also be making a Supernormal profit denoted by a equation AR>AC. These profits positions can be shown in the following diagrams: In figure 1 we see the condition in which the firm is making a level of profit that is just enough to persuade the firms to stay in the industry in the short-run but not enough to attract new firms. In short-run when the firm is earning normal profits, the firm is just covering total costs. Since the TC (Total Cost Calculations) also includes implicit costs like opportunity cost of capital employed, return of capital in alternative uses etc. These are not actual costs and hence breaking even would mean that firm is earning profit which it could earning in alternative businesses and hence
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